Pablo Matera Familia. Jamás nombrará el apellido. "Sin dar muchas vueltas, pedimos disculpas. Y al resto de la gente que.
En todo momento, Pablo Matera hablará de "el Diego".
Argentina strips Pablo Matera of the Pumas captaincy ahead of Saturday's Tri Nations Test against the Pablo Matera has been stood down while the Argentine Rugby Union conducts an investigation.
Pablo Matera has been stripped of the Argentina captaincy over racist tweets Matera, along with Guido Petti and Santiago Socino has also been suspended Only last month, he had led his side during their historic victory over All Blacks Perdón también a mi equipo y mi familia por el momento que están pasando por mis acciones y gracias a la gente que me quiere por su apoyo», afirmó a través de su cuenta de Instagram. Y al resto de la gente que. Pablo Matera has been stripped of the Argentina captaincy and suspended along with team-mates Guido Petti and Santiago Socino for posting racist comments on social media, the Argentine Rugby.