Vendee Globe Amedeo. Because the Vendée Globe has lost one of its favorites, Alex Thomson The Vendée Globe needs Alex Thomson's victory. The Vendée Globe solo around the world race is seen as the world's toughest sporting challenge.
Because the Vendée Globe has lost one of its favorites, Alex Thomson The Vendée Globe needs Alex Thomson's victory. Die Vendée Globe ist eine Non-Stop-Regatta für Einhandsegler, die entlang des Südpolarmeers im Bereich der sogenannten Roaring Forties einmal um den Globus führt und deswegen als die härteste Einhandregatta der Welt gilt (→Segelregatten um die Welt). Et revivre ce Vendée Globe dans quatre ans. «Je ne me sens pas capable de le gagner mais d'être compétitif et un outsider sérieux».
Et revivre ce Vendée Globe dans quatre ans. «Je ne me sens pas capable de le gagner mais d'être compétitif et un outsider sérieux».
Considered the most gruelling sporting challenge on the planet, the Vendée Globe sees the world's most accomplished sailors push their minds and bodies to the limit.
Because the Vendée Globe has lost one of its favorites, Alex Thomson The Vendée Globe needs Alex Thomson's victory. At the time, he was navigating between two worlds. The Vendée Globe solo around the world race is seen as the world's toughest sporting challenge.