Matera. Matera from Mapcarta, the free map. Join us as we visit Matera, Italy in this travel guide covering top attractions, things to do and food worth eating in "la Città Sotterranea" (the.
Matera is the capital of the Matera province in the Basilicata region of Italy. It boasts the sassi: well-preserved rock-cut settlements that are a World Heritage site and one of Southern Italy's many important attractions. Matera is one of the two provinces of Basilicata.
Matera is one of the two provinces of Basilicata.
Our top picks Lowest price first Star rating and price Top reviewed. "ChiunqueVeda Matera nonPuò nonRestarne colpitoTanto èEspressiva eToccante Matera - Vagamente vintage.
Visite turistiche e Percorsi guidati a Matera e tra i Sassi. Ad Agosto, con la famiglia, avrei in programma di visitare Matera. Matera preserves a large and diverse collection of buildings related to the Christian faith, including a large number of rupestrian churches carved from.